Macadamized Roads |
Macaroni |
| a l'Italienne |
| au Gratin |
| with Cream |
Macaroons, 2 |
| English |
Macassar Oil |
Mackerel, etc., to Cure |
Madder, to Cultivate |
| Red |
| Use of |
Mad-dog, Bite of |
Madeira Wine |
Magnesia, Citrate of |
Mahogany, to Take Stains out of |
Male Fern, Remedy for Worms |
Mallenders |
Malt |
| Poultice |
Manganese Ore, to Assay |
| Test for |
Mange |
Manheim Gold |
Manure |
| Bone |
| for a Garden |
| Liquid |
| Mineral |
| Organic |
| Plaster |
| Solid |
| Spreading of |
Manuscripts, to Renovate |
Maple Sugar |
Maraschino Cordial |
Marble, to Clean |
| Cements for, etc. |
Marine Glue |
Marking Inks |
| to take out |
| Proof |
Marl |
Marmalade |
Mastic |
Matches |
Matting, Gold |
Mayonnaise |
| Sauce |
Mead |
Meadows, to Water |
Mealy-bug |
Measles |
Measuring-glasses |
| of Boards |
| of Stonework |
Meats, to Cook |
| to Preserve without Ice |
| Salt to Freshen |
| Qualities of |
Medals, to Copy |
| to Bronze |
Medicines, Domestic |
Medlars, to Preserve |
Meerschaum |
Melons, irregular Growth of, to Prevent |
Menses, the |
Mercurial Ointment |
| Ores |
Mercury, Poisoning by |
| to Purify |
| Test for |
| to Protect Gilders from Effects of |
Meringues |
Metallic Injection |
Metals, Voltaic, Protection of |
| to Clean all sorts of |
Mezzotint |
Mildew |
| to Remove |
| on Fruit Trees |
Milk, Qualities of |
| Watered, to detect |
| and Cream, Substitutes for |
| to free from Turnip Flavor |
| of Roses |
| Fever |
| Punch |
| to Preserve |
Mince Meat |
| Pies |
Mint, Oil of |
Mock Turtle |
Moiree Metallique |
Molybdate of Ammonia |
Mont d'Or Water |
Monthly Sickness |
Montpellier Yellow |
Morocco |
Mordants |
Mortars |
Mortification |
Mosaic Gold |
| to make |
Moss, as Manure |
| Land to Improve |
| on Trees, to Destroy |
Moths, to Drive away |
Mother of Pearl, to Imitate |
Mouth Wash |
Muffles |
Mulberry Tree, to Cultivate |
Munro's Cough Mixture |
Muntz Metal |
Murexide |
Muriatic Acid |
Mussels and Periwinkles as food |
Mushrooms |
| Catsup |
Mush |
Musk Mixture |
Mustard, to Cultivate |
Musical Instruments, to Stain |
Mutton, Qualities of |
| Broth |
| Cutlets |
| Leg of |
| Shoulder of |
| to Choose |
| a l'Anglaise |
Myrtle Water |