Babbit's Metal |
Bacon |
Baden Water |
Balling in Horses |
Balloons |
Balsam, Godbold's |
| of Honey |
| Riga |
| Tolu |
Bareges Water |
Barley |
BAROMETERS, to Construct |
| to Read |
Basilicon, Ointment |
Bath Metal |
Bathing |
Batteries, Electrical |
Bavarian Beer |
Bead for Liquors |
Beans, to Cultivate |
| String |
Bee Flowers, to Cultivate |
BEEF, a la Mode |
| to Choose |
| and Pork, to Salt |
| Braized |
| Collops |
| Corned |
| Dried |
| on Daube |
| Essence |
| Hashed |
| Potted |
| Qualities of |
| Salt and Cabbage |
| Sanders |
| Sportsman's |
| Steak |
| Tea |
| Tongue |
BEER, Amber or Two-penny, to Brew |
| to Bottle |
| Cheap, 2 |
| Dead, to Enliven |
| Flat, to Recover |
| from Pea-shells, to Brew |
| from Sugar |
| Frosted, to Restore |
| Foxing, to Cure, etc. |
| Ginger |
| Lager |
| Molasses, to make |
| Musty, to Restore |
| on Mr. Cobbett's Plan |
| Poultice |
| Required Time for Keeping |
| Root |
| Sarsaparilla |
| Spruce |
| Stale or Sour, to Restore |
| Table, to Brew from Pale Malt |
| to Fine |
| to Fine and Preserve a Cask of |
| to give a Rich Flavor to |
| to Prevent becoming Stale and Flat |
| White |
| to determine Quantity of Alcohol in |
BEES, Who should keep |
| Hives |
| Italian |
| Swarming |
| Pasturage |
Bees, Wintering |
| Feeding |
| Italian Queens |
Beet Brandy |
| Sugar |
Bell Metal |
Belly, Wounds of |
Benzoin, Tincture of |
Bergamot, Essence of |
| Water |
Bibron's Antidote for Snake-bites |
Biennials |
Biles |
Bilious Fever |
Birch Oil |
Bird-lime |
Birds, Canary |
| Useful to Farmers |
Biscuit, Albert |
| Fancy |
| Naples |
| Savoy |
| Sponge |
| Sugar |
Bismuth Ores, to Assay |
Bites and Stings of Noxious Animals |
Blacking |
Blackberry Brandy, 2 |
| Cordial |
| Culture of |
| Extract |
| Mush |
| Syrup |
| Wine |
Black Drop |
Bladder, Inflamed |
| in the Horse |
| Stone in |
Blanc Mange |
Bleeding, after Extraction of Teeth |
| Directions for |
| from the Nose |
| from Wounds |
| in the Horse |
Blight in Fruit Trees |
| in Wheat |
Blind, to Write for the |
Blistering in the Horse |
Blood, as Food |
| Spitting of |
| Vomiting of |
Blotched Face |
Blubber as Manure |
Blue, Prussian |
| Saxon or Chemic |
| Thenard's |
| Ultramarine |
Board Measure |
Boat, Upsetting of |
Boerhaave's Rules for Health |
Bog Spavin |
Bone, to Stain |
Boils |
Bologna Sausage |
| Vials |
Bonbons |
Books, Covers, to Marble |
| Edges of, to Sprinkle |
| to Gild |
| Printed, to Bleach |
Boots, to Clean |
| Water-proof |
Bots |
Bottle Stoppers |
Bougies, to Pass |
Bouillien Matelote |
Bouquet de Caroline |
| Essence of |
| Esterhazy |
Bowels, Inflammation of |
| in the Horse |
Boxes, Capacity of |
Brain, Compression of |
| Concussion of |
| Inflammation of |
Bran Bread |
Brandy, Apple |
| Blackberry |
| British |
| Cherry |
| Imitation |
| Peach |
| Peaches |
| to Preserve Fruits in |
| from Root Beer |
Brass |
| and Copper, to Tin Rapidly |
| Ornaments, to Preserve |
| to Polish |
Brazil Paper |
Bread, Adulteruted, to detect |
| Qualities of |
Bread, Scotch |
| to make |
Breasts, Inflamed |
Breeches Ball |
Brew, to, Ale in Small Families |
| Amber Beer |
| Beer and Ale from Pea-Shells |
| Brown Stout |
| Burton, Edinburgh, Essex, and Nottingham |
| Ale |
| Lager |
| London Ale |
| Molasses Beer |
| Porter on the London Plan |
| Root Beer |
| Spruce Beer |
| Table Bear from Pale Malt |
| from Sugar and treacle |
| White Beer |
Brew-House, to fit up a Small |
| to choose Water for |
| to cool Worts in |
| Utensils, to preserve |
Brine, to Utilize |
Bristles, to Dye |
Britannia Metal |
British Gum |
Broiling |
Bronze |
| Aluminium |
| Gun Barrels, to |
| Plaster Figures |
Broth, Chicken |
| Jelly |
| Liebig's |
| Mutton |
| Scotch |
Brown Stout, to Brew |
Brushes in one piece |
| Hair, to Clean |
Bubo |
Buckwheat |
| Cakes |
Budding |
Bugs, to Prevent, etc. |
Bulbous Roots, to hasten |
Buns, Common |
| Cross |
Burgundy Pitch Plaster |
Burnett's Antiseptic Fluid |
Burnishing, to Gild by |
Burns and Scalds |
Butter, to Cure |
| to Remove Turnip Flavor from |
| Drawn |
| Dumbarton Mode |
| Maitre d'Hotel |
| Nuns' |
| to make |
Buttons, New Material for |
Butyric Acid |
| Ether |